You cannot wish for both a strong character and easy life.
The price of each is usually the other.
- Unknown
The medical merry-go-round
Like many trying to locate challenging health issues, I found myself caught in the whirlwind of traditional medicine, hopping from one doctor's appointment to the next, seeking relief from symptoms but never truly understanding why they persisted or getting answers about how to alleviate the majority of them. I know this half merry-go-round and half rollercoaster ride has happened to many, and for me, it was a years long process of navigating the medical system, all while being prescribed enough medication to start my own pharmacy.
A prescription for frustration
The bigger problem was that I still didn’t feel great, or even good. After countless labs, specialty doctors, plural scopes and no real understanding of the issues going on, I realized I just wasn’t getting better so I decided to finally hop off the merry-go-round and it was the best decision I ever made.
Change is a process, not an event
I need to say that there are incredible doctors out there, but you have to do your homework to find them. And most of all, I've come to recognize the disconnect between modern living and our natural rhythms as it relates to human health.
It’s a big world out there and I'm here to share what I've learned, help others navigate their own paths to wellness, and open minds to new ways.
Your source for Kambo wisdom and wellness
Explore scientific research to personal experiences as well as a wealth of articles and guides that illuminate the multifaceted world of Kambo healing.
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Whether you're curious about the Kambo process, its safety, or potential benefits, please don't hesitate to reach out.